Monday, March 1, 2010

Mentor Masters

The author of this editorial set his sights on any adult that touches a child's life. The author talks about how adults working within mentoring programs help set good examples and help children to stay out of trouble. By using a local and now nationally known child within a mentoring program as their main focus they quickly struck to Texas hearts. This article helps push people into helping the youth in the nation by setting examples with leadership. Everyone knows about big brother/Big sister but not everyone thinks they can make a difference or help change anything. When this author showed how a little bit of effort can go along way they helped reopen doors for people and might have given someone something to do on a weekend. I fully agree with the author, especially the final paragraph, you might not be known nationally but you will forever change a life that might have been wasted. If more people were like this the world definitely would be a better place, but beggars can't be choosers.

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